Free as in freedom
Message ID: 166576
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Free as in freedom
Enderle put up a new article on linuxinsider about his SCOForum talk. The fellow claims he talked about 'free as in free beer' while groklaw mischaracterized this as 'free as in freedom'. I could never get my hands on his original speech - seems to be always down -, so I can't tell if he is lying now, but if he did summarize his original speech truthfully in the article, I have to say, the man sounds pretty reasonable.
He goes on to claim that groklaw contains anti-SCO FUD. I don't think it does. Atleast not a lot. If there is any hype, it is about groklaw's own importance - "We are doing it! We are doing it with Truth! Blah blah blah".
In any case, I was startled to find similarities between what he says and what I have been saying here - "Many of you are being manipulated by others ...". On the off-chance that SCO did hire him for PR and this is their official line, I certainly don't want to help SCO by criticizing groklaw here.
I haven't changed any of my opinions, but I have decided to shut up.
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