Free Speech = Free Beer

Message ID: 356970
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Free Speech = Free Beer

Proponents of GPL (including many of the Linux nuts) are fond of pointing out the difference between free speech and free beer. Sure GPL doesn't stop you from selling your GPL'd software. But the first guy that buys your software can distribute copies of the software free of charge, and you can't stop him. GPL ensures that you can't stop him. So, in practice, Free Software tends to be free as in beer when it is not specifically developed for one client.

Once this is clear, you have to ask yourself 'why does software *have* to be free?' What is wrong with software developers getting compensated for their efforts? They are not getting any free homes and free cars from the society, so why do they have to give away their products for free? Why should they be called 'unethical' for making money selling their products? It is absurd.

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