Just Say No To Linux
Message ID: 358137
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Just Say No To Linux
Another honest account from a Linux user. This guy seems to know a thing or two about Samba - know enough to avoid it, that is!
Notice how one particular library is missing, and this guy somehow figured out where to find it. Notice also the comments at the end - "Thank you very much! Finally, I have found the missing libtiff.so.3…" - which is from someone who was not so lucky until then. This is far different from the rosy picture painted by the Linux nuts - "just click on the graphical installer blah blah blah"!
This situation is far more common than the Linux nuts care to admit. If you want to know which hardware kind of works on Linux and which hardware doesn't work, some loser maintains a web page you can search for on google. See, the beauty of Linux is all the documentation is on the web, including the outdated one!
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