Lies of the Linux Liars
Message ID: 357797
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Lies of the Linux Liars
It is well known how the Linux nuts respond to Linux criticism - "It is not a problem", "It works perfectly for me!", "You are a Microsoft stooge" etc etc. If you look around the web, a different picture emerges. Here is an instructive web page. It documents somebody's troubles with a wireless card. It is dated October '04. (Before the Linux nuts parade their standard "it all works fine now" excuse, I must point out that Linux has trouble with the latest hardware, whatever that is at any given time, making Linux suitable only for those who like pain!)
"... rarely do things just work in Linux, right out of the box, no hassle, no tech support calls, just pop in the CD, and go."
Note also the two comments at the end.
Also notable is this guy's belief that it is Wrong To Pay For Linux Software! These are the same freeloader ethics that I suspected existed in the Linux world based on freedung's outbursts!
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