Linux - anybody can change it
Message ID: 357351
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux - anybody can change it
Linux - anybody can change it, so everybody will!
This situation must be familiar to the Linux fans here!
"To install Joe's program, you need Bob's kernel hack, but for Bob's kernel hack, you've got to have Suzy's patches, but Suzy's patches only work with a year-old kernel, unless you get Mike's patches to Suzy's patches, but even then, those conflict with Jeff's drivers, which can be resolved only by installing Nancy's patches... "
Linux fans are fond of pointing out that thousands of programmers working from all over the world will issue a quick patch as soon as a vulnerability is found in Linux programs. That is excellent, but you can't take that patch and apply it on your machine because the version you have may be a special one from your distribution. You have to wait for your distribution maker to release that patch. And, on an average, Red Hat apparently takes more time than Microsoft to release patches for vulnerabilities! There goes another lie from Linux fans!
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