Linux apologists

Message ID: 356586
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux apologists

Linux kernel has little release planning, no design, no regression test suite and no formal quality assurance. Just Keep Coding And Release Once in a While - this is the procedure. If it boots, that is mostly good enough. The distribution makers mostly mimic this behavior - they slap a few things together and release it with little testing.

In the Linux world, this is mostly OK - all those blind grandmothers are not exactly clamoring for the next kernel release! After a few users try the new thing for several months and mess up their CD-rom drives and other peripherals, the bugs will be worked out, and the remaining world can use it.

Still, anyone involved in any way in the comptuer software industry should find this situation apalling. However, the Linux apologists willingly turn a blind eye to all this. They would rather concentrate on Microsoft's problems.

No wonder the Linux nuts lost their credibility!

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