MS Vista Delayed - Whatcha gonna do
Message ID: 356017
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: MS Vista Delayed - Whatcha gonna do
Now that I have left you guys alone for a day, have you had a chance to discuss the Vista delay? What is the executive decision? You ready to push for Linux desktop all over the world just yet? Or not?
What happened to your leader freedung99? Did you notice that Vista is delayed and he is talking mostly about other things? I would keep an eye on him if I were you. Of all the people here, he is the most likely to be a double agent. He seems to be trying to give you guys a bad name! I mean, frankly, freedung sounds like a terrorist everytime he mentions freedom -- you know that most terrorist groups call themselves freedom fighters, don't you?
Talking about freedom suits a guy like Richard Stallman - for him it is a way of life. For our freedung here, it is just a punch line!
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