The Stats Troll
Message ID: 357867
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: The Stats Troll
stats_for_all goes around the web collecting little factoids, and as soon as he thinks he sees a vague pattern, he posts his little collection here for the benefit of the other Linux nuts. His posts are usually followed by wild speculation about how some Government agency is going to punish SCO, Microsoft and other Linux Enemies. The Linux weenies briefly forget about their troubles with their crappy OS, and rejoice at these speculations. They indicate that they welcome these brief interludes by heavily recommending stats_for_all's posts. An encouraged stats_for_all goes back for more vague factoids, and the cycle repeats.
As usual, self-important idiots like stats_for_all and his statistics don't amount to anything in practice. When the Linux nuts took over this message board, they drove the general public away from it. And, whatever credibility the Linux nuts didn't lose by their display of morbid hatred for SCO, they lost by their over-exuberance. It is one thing to send a letter to the SEC. It is quite another to send it a thousand letters. By now, the SEC knows there is a large anti-SCO group operating on the SCO stock board, and it promptly relegates to trash can any letters from the Linux nuts.
Now, stats_for_all turns his attention to nutty conspiracy theories of the kind freedung99 specializes in. He thinks that Novell releasing a new version of the Desktop Lame Operating System is of such cosmic importance that somebody has to distract everyone by highlighting the Linx nuts' lies on *this* board.
stats_for_all should stay away from stats for a little while to regain his sanity. He should also stay away from Linux, but he is not going to do that.
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