FUD as an answer to FUD

Message ID: 365993
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: FUD as an answer to FUD


Back in 2000, the Linuz zealots were claiming Linux is an easy-to-use system. And, now in 2006, they claim Linux improved a lot and has become easy to use, thus proving that they have been lying their asses off until now. (Actually, they are lying even now - you will know that in a few years.)

See the reponse from "kjk" to the FUD from the lying Linux zealots:

"Linux secure? I'm sure you dilligently skip all bugtraq reports, after all one remote exploit a week is not that big of a security risk. Linux can be made reasonably secure, something I hope I did with my machine after some script kiddie got root and installed back door because I was naive enough to left DNS server that came with RedHat 6.2 running.

Linux is easy if you have an infinite amount of time to spend learning it and secure if you have lots of money to spend on people who can make it secure. "

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