Linux needs supporters

Message ID: 360723
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux needs supporters

Like somebody said, if Ford is giving its cars away for free, won't there be a stampede of people trying to get them? If a good desktop operating system is available for free on internet, why isn't everybody rushing to load it on their PCs?

There is an army of volunteers that sing praises of Linux every chance they get. They post messages all over the internet urging everyone to switch to Linux and realize its wonderful benefits. In fact, this phenomenon is so well known that people coined a term for it -- "Linux evangelism". The term is not used derogatorily. It is used by the Linux supporters themselves. What is a religious term doing in a setting like this? Why do the Linux supporters feel the need to "preach" to others?

If you ask the Linux supporters, they will tell you that people are ignorant, and need to be told what is good for them. But, the Linux supporters have been at this for many years. It is impossible to miss the Linux publicity even if you occassionally surf the web. Even if everybody hasn't heard of Linux, there has to be a large number of people that are aware.

The other obstacle to Linux adoption, according to Linux evangelists, is that it doesn't come preloaded when you buy the PC. Still, you can get a PC with Linux pre-loaded at Walmart and a number of smaller vendors in the US. And this has been the case for many years now. Why aren't people switching? If some people did, and if they had a good experience, where is the word-of-mouth publicity, and the chain reaction that leads to ever increasing adoption? You will find the answer if you look around the web - people try Linux, become aware of its severe limitations in a short time and switch back to Windows.

It is a defective product like the Linux desktop that needs to be sold hard. It needs all the trickery of a used car salesman. In time, people do come to know the truth, and they give the same credibility to Linux evangelists as they give to used car salesmen.

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