The Linux Cop-outs

Message ID: 360889
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: The Linux Cop-outs

The Linux Nuts have a handful of excuses to explain why the home users don't use their software. These allow them to continue living in their fantasy world where nothing is wrong with Linux.

But, every now and then, something happens to bring them temporarily into the real world. Like when a prominent Nut said this in a rare moment of honesty: "This kind of crap is exactly why Linux has had such trouble gaining traction among nontechnical users ..."

Mr Raymond went on to set up a web site to address usability issues. This was two years ago. The Linux programs continue to be as unusable as ever, so the web site didn't seem to help. Like the countless web sites, bodies and consortiums that came before it to "fix" the open source software, the site continues to exist without fulfilling any real function. This is a typical open source situation. A few well-meaning guys sit in one corner and make futile attempts to fix things, while the developers Keep On Coding.

As a wise man once said, Linux will have in ten years all the problems it had ten years ago.

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