The Linux Cult
Message ID: 362605
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: The Linux Cult
Cults have several things in common. They all have a charismatic leader.
They all think they have exclusive access to some special knowledge. They
think they will ultimately save the whole world, or change it for the better.
They frequently predict the beginning of the New Order on a certain future
date, and frequently revise the prediction after it proves false.
The Linux Cult has multiple leaders, but most members believe Torvalds is a
paragon of technical excellence, full of sound judgment and all that. The Linux
culties think they know some special things about operating systems, security and
software in general. They think that if most of the world switches to Linux,
the world will be a better place. They frequently predict that Microsoft dominance
will end on a certain future date, and frequently revise their prediction after
it proves false.
Linux culties are usually arrogant (and that is because they think they know some
special things about software). They look down on Windows users, and frequently
wonder 'when will the idiots get it?' On the surface, they may say they don't
really want the Windows Lusers (as they call the Windows users) to switch to Linux.
But, whenever there is a mishap of some kind in the Windows world, the Linux culties
are out in large numbers, telling everyone "you won't have this problem if you use
Linux". They also say "Linux is just easy to use as Windows, xx million people are
using it happily everyday!" where xx is a highly inflated figure. (Cults have a
tendency to inflate their membership figures.)
A few Windows users are deceived by this, and try Linux out. When they run into
the various limitations of Linux, they visit message boards and ask for help. It
is here on these message boards that the important cult message is transmitted
and reinforced. No matter whatever the problem the newbie is facing, he is told
that it is not Linux's fault. The fault lies with the user (for being stupid or
lazy), or with the device makers or ISV's or computer vendors or it is a
conspiracy engineered by Microsoft! In some cases, he is told it is not really
a problem but a feature. He is reminded about "choice". "This is not the Windows
world", he is admonished.
Many newbies quit, and go back to Windows in a short time, but some persist and
absorb the cult message. They will become the new transmitters for the cult message.
That is how the Linux cult grows.
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