The Linux Mess
Message ID: 366101
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: The Linux Mess
The last time I commented on the practices of brain-dead Linux kernel coders, people were nitpicking about the date of the article and the like. Here it is again, from one of Linux's own. Just goes to show how the Linux zealots on this board keep finding excuses to keep their head buried in the sand.
>> With the existing fluid interface in Linux, programmers must provide drivers for numerous kernel variations, and old drivers--open or proprietary--stop working, said Miguel de Icaza, vice president of development at Novell. "Contrast this with Windows, where there is a stable interface for drivers in the kernel. A driver developed against NT 4 works on XP," he said. <<<
>>> Fedora and Novell's equivalent, OpenSuse, don't ship with the proprietary drivers, requiring users to jump through extra hoops to obtain and install them. On top of that, updating the kernel sometimes requires a corresponding video driver update. <<<
There is that unexpected dependency nightmare again. 'Easy to use', ain't it?
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