The Rochkind Revenge

Message ID: 365595
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: The Rochkind Revenge

I have had the good fortune to read the first edition of Rochkind's Advanced Unix Programming when I was a beginning C programmer on Unix systems. It was an excellent book - Mr. Rochkind knows his subject very well. You get the impression he likes writing about Unix.

I can see two reasons why Mr. Rochkind wanted to deliver the devastating blow to the Linux weenies that he did by supporting SCO. As he states on his web site, he is clearly annoyed by the piss poor Linux desktop - he tries to be nice and stops with only 10 reasons.

Mr. Rochkind is a Unix lover, and Linux is a particularly bad clone of Unix. But, as it is popularly known as a Unix clone, people frequently equate Linux shortcomings to Unix. In other words, Linux drags Unix's good name through the mud, and this is clearly painful to Unix lovers.

The moral of the story is, if you sit in your parents' basement and churn out shitty software and release it as open source, the story doesn't end there. Sooner or later, you will pay.

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