The Vicious Linux Cult

Message ID: 365918
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: The Vicious Linux Cult

The Nuts have started verbally attacking and maligning Rochkind in full earnest. It's not enough to bring bad name to Unix (by badly imitating it), but the vicious cult won't spare the Unix geeks either.

I haven't seen Rochkind's output, but if it is about the 'Unix way' or some such, it is probably too vague for the courts. SCO, of course, caught more breaks in this case than anyone ever expected, so who knows, this may be all they need to rid the world of the Linux scourge.

In any case, the matter is out of the Nuts' hands. They have to abide by the court's decision. Going after Rochkind will only land them in jail. (BTW, is it a weird coincidence that the Texas man is preaching restraint, or did he get a call from his parole officer?)

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