Dear Savvy Investor
Message ID: 369050
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Dear Savvy Investor
You are a sensible person. You prefer practicality to pie-in-the-sky idealism. You have rejected the Linux desktop. You know that, though Microsoft is a convicted monopolist, Windows gets the job done. And, you know that the fate of law suits doesn't always depend on merit.
You can see that the Linux weenies post anti-SCO messages here in the hope of driving the stock down. They may be unbalanced fanatics getting back at SCO for SCO's false allegations years ago. They may be paid agents of IBM, Red Hat or Novell or their legal teams. They may be shorts. Or, they may be trying to make it easy for someone to buy SCO off, so they can keep the donated code. What they are not is impartial or objective. Pay no attention to them. Make your decision independently of their inputs.
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