Life, Linux and Loons

Message ID: 370492
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Life, Linux and Loons

There is a law suit in progress between two companies. On the one side, we have SCO, who is probably genuinely screwed by IBM, but who probably sued on a different matter. On the other side, we have IBM, who engages in unethical conduct by giving code away for free.

In the middle, we have the Linux Loons continuously posting on this message board for 3 years. They have been posting their propaganda every day, every night, every weekend, every holiday, non-stop for *3 years*. Who expends this kind of time and effort? Are they in the pay of IBM? Or, are they members of an insane cult? In either case, can we believe *a word* of what they are saying?

Isn't it time they vacated this board and went back to their usual hang-outs?

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