Linux desktop heading nowhere
Message ID: 369156
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux desktop heading nowhere
"One of the most frequently cited difficulties transitioning to Linux (especially on the desktop) is that it can be difficult to find and integrate device drivers for new or obscure hardware. In addition, even when drivers are available, they may involve procedures that still strike terror into the hearts of newbies, such as recompiling the kernel."
"LP: The question I'm getting at is one of the complaints you hear about the Linux kernel, and you can kind of understand it from a manufacturer's point of view, is that assuming they don't want to move their device driver directly into the kernel, you know there's no way that they want to keep 97 different binary drivers out there and have to keep tracking them.
"AM: It's a problem for them, yeah; and basically we really don't do anything to accommodate them because that would tie our hands and frankly we're philosophically not particularly sympathetic to the problem. "
Main man Andrew Morton admits that Linux is fucked because the moron kernel coders are "not particularly sympathetic to the problem."
And, to think that several posters on this board repeat the "works out of the box" lie every chance they get, and one guy even said "not many in the community are against proprietary software"! And, they all go on message boards and sing like parrots 'Linux is extremely easy to use'. Yeah right.
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