Linux Desktop - Time To Give Up?
Message ID: 371089
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux Desktop - Time To Give Up?
Even the Linux supporters admit multimedia support in Linux is not great. But, forget multimedia. Can Linux do sound?
Fred Langa tried to get several Linux distributions to recognize a sound card and failed.
In Langa's words, "New Linux distros still fail a task that Windows 95 -- yes, 95! -- easily handles, namely working with mainstream sound cards." The Linux supporters, of course, reacted in poor grace, and called Langa a liar and an idiot.
There is this pattern of sweeping problems under the rug in the Linux community. I don't see what the point is, though. You may cover up, and you may lie, and convince a few more people to try Linux desktop. But, when people actually try to use it, they come to know not only that it sucks, but that you lied to them! So, even if Linux gets all better in 10 years, nobody will believe you then if you tell them that Linux got better - you lied to them once too many times!
On the subject of sound, is there really any need for multiple incompatible sound systems - SDL, ALSA, whatever else? Why isn't this mess going away? If it didn't go away for so long, what earthly reason does anyone have for thinking it will, in future? Is the open source method -- with disparate groups developing the different parts of a system -- a good method for coming up with a desktop system?
Is it time to cut the losses and give up on the Linux desktop as the failed experiment that it is?
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