Linux in vain

Message ID: 372832
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux in vain

The guy that runs this web site reminds me of freecode. The hyperbole, the melodramatic tone, the inflammatory language, the morbid hatred for Microsoft, and the transparent fear-mongering techniques - he could have been the Texas man's long lost twin. He seems to be producing copious material, telling everyone how Microsoft is going to screw them, and why everyone should switch to Linux at once.

A while ago, this Helios was collecting cash to run advertisements for Linux. It is not clear what came out of that, but now he is collecting cash for some anti-DRM activities.

In any case, the "distro" Helios had in mind for converting everybody to Linux is PCLinuxOS. I'm sure this PCLinuxOS is an excellent "distro" as Linux "distros" go, but the real problem is that there are far too many idiots in the Linux world, each pushing a different "distro". Just consider the *tremendous* amount of time and effort wasted solving the same solved problem in a slightly different way for the thousandth time - all that code, all those recompilations, all those forums, all those documents clogging up everybody's pipes! Can't these idiots see how wasteful this is? Can't they get together and come up with one thing?

If you thought the Unix world was splintered, what do you have to call the Linux world? And, these lunatics, each with his own 2-bit "distro", are going to bring Microsoft down. Yeah right.

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