Linux, the joke
Message ID: 374910
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux, the joke
This is written in 2002, but note that people were already telling the author "Linux is no longer hard to setup!" and "The Interface is now great!" etc. This is the Linux Nuts' version of "Truth". They fed this to the general public incessantly for a very long time, and lost *all* of their credibility as a result:
"Well, either all those people are either blinded by their hate of Microsoft or they are playing a sick joke on the rest of us.
"It's taken me about 4 days of about 4 to 6 hours a day to get this thing working."
Two years later, a fine Linux Nut drops by, and says "Linux is super easy. You are an idiot." The author responds "Still a turd for me". There were the usual suggestions on changing "distros" and all that. You can read the gory details on the web page. The Linux Nuts keep going through the same damn loop every time. They are experts at running in place.
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