Linux Loon Ignorance
Message ID: 369616
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux Loon Ignorance
The Linux Loons' ignorance is on display on this board never more than when one of their pet beliefs is questioned. *I* never bought fully into this 'Linux is secure' myth when I was in the cult. I was encrypting my files. (And, when I moved from Mandrake to Suse, the file I was mounting through loopback AES256 option became worthless - Suse wouldn't support the AES256 option with loopbacks without tinkering with the kernel. I was forced to go to fuse and encfs to avoid the same hassles in the future. Welcome to the wonderful world of Linux!)
The Loons' ignorance would have been simply laughable but for the fact that they go on message boards and spread the mythology to unsuspecting Windows users. With Windows, at least you are on the lookout for problems. Linux users are truly sitting ducks for any exploits that may come along. In addition, you will be facing all of the other problems with Linux that I have been outlining - poor device support, difficulty of use, awful documentation etc. In the end, Windows is the better option.
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