Linux Losers Still Here

Message ID: 369641
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux Losers Still Here

The Linux Losers have been posting messages here continusouly for the last 3 years. They want to pretend that SCO "hurt" Linux. But, Linux was going nowhere before the SCO law suit, and it is going nowhere even faster now. (Sure, there are some server deployments, but that will be until people recognize Linux for the POS it is!)

The Linux hype has considerably died down. Recently, there is some noise about adoption in China and India. When it comes to home user adoption, consider that it costs a lot of money (in terms of earnings) to buy a PC in the third world countries. Haing spent all that money on hardware, nobody will load a semi-functional operating system like Linux on it. It only stands to reason.

Other than the SCO law suit, the Linux Losers have no reason to believe that Linux is important any more. "SCO is trying to steal Linux. That proves Linux is valuable" - so goes the reasoning. IBM was pushing expensive hardware with a mediocre operating system on top. It's IBM's name more than anything that was responsible for whatever Linux adoption that occurred on the servers. SCO threatened to interfere with IBM's business model, in order to extract some cash from them. That obviously hasn't worked out, and the two parties are in court.

The Nuts can rest assured nobody is trying steal Linux, and Linux continues to be as worthless as it ever was. They can leave this message board and go back to their usual Loser hang-outs.

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