Linux Lossage
Message ID: 369842
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux Lossage
In a weak attempt to defend Linux and gain some rec's, cult boy Bar wrote a few words. He managed to get 39 rec's, which indicates the number of Linux supporter nyms currently in operation. The whole thing is quite pathetic, actually.
There are a number of problems with his 'testimony' - I will point out three.
First, bear in mind that Bar voluntarily gave money to a con cult to receive cruel and unusual punishment called 'auditing'. He is a masochist. No wonder he likes the Linux experience.
Second, it is natural to question if Bar is of sound mind after having been exposed for so long to Hubbard's "teachings".
Third, having given most of his money to the con cult, he is probably in dire financial difficulties, which stop him from paying for a professionally developed OS like Windows. (It is not a coincidence that many on this forum are senior citizens. They refuse to part with any money, and are loathe to throw away their old computers to get the latest technology. Linux is a natural choice for them. Though I am not a senior citizen, I used to have the same cheapskate mentality when I was running Linux - I held on to that Pentium III machine for 6 years!)
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