Linux security - a continuing joke
Message ID: 374563
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux security - a continuing joke
This is a 2003 article, but especially educational for the Nuts.
"Unix was released in 1976 and has been used in servers for more than 20 years - BUT IT STILL GETS BUG REPORTS, sometimes down to the kernel. IBM security used to be pretty good until AIX came along, but look in CERT and there's now hundreds of reports about AIX. And Linux, son of Unix, is as bug-ridden as its parent."
"Linux-Unix is as buggy as a kindergarten in winter, and not just in the applications. Just take a look in any security-tracking database and you'll find vulnerabilities everywhere, right down to the kernel or just as bad, the middleware that talks to the web."
Notice how this guy is neutral and objective (just like I am).
"Don't get me wrong; I am not a fan of Windows and Microsoft. I don't like their licensing policy; I don't really like the overblown products. ...."
This is the best part:
"Riddle me this Batman: if every piece of Linux source code had stacks of AP's poring over it and thoroughly checking it, how come people are still finding security-bugs and, more to the point, how do those bugs get in there in the first place?
The big push this year is for Linux on the desktop. Thanks but no thanks!"
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