Nuts continue disinformation campaign
Message ID: 375211
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Nuts continue disinformation campaign
The Nuts have been shown time and again, how protecting the system files on a single user PC gives no security benefits -- it only adds to convenience. Yet, they close their eyes and continue to act as though the root-user separation of Linux is the holy grail of security.
Come to think of it, basic Linux is not even very good at separating root and user. Those setuid and setgid programs are a well-known security risk. You have to suffer something like SELinux if you really want to achieve some semblance of security (in true multi-user environments).
Meanwhile, Linux programs continue to have a plethora of security patches on a regular basis. Linux users are just as "exposed" as Windows users. The Linux Lusers don't even have any mechanisms in place to check if their machine is compromised at user level or root level. How many of the idiots here are running some kind of file integrity check regularly? Many of them probably already have their machines compromised, but don't realize it.
Linux Lusers are the least qualified people in the world to talk about security shortcomings in other systems. They are sitting ducks for any exploits that may come along.
If a Windows user is hell bent on protecting his system files from trojan access, he can always run his browser and email client with lower privileges. You can run any Windows program with lower privileges. If a program cannot function correctly when run with lower privileges, it is not Microsoft's fault.
Linux Lusers also talk from both sides of their mouth in security discussions. If a Windows user clicks on a email attachment that results in a trojan running on his PC, it is still Microsoft's fault. But, if a Linux application has a hole that runs arbitrary code, it is not Linux's fault. "Linux is just the kernel", they would say. (When it comes to comparing function, they will include KDE, Gnome and all the applications with Linux. When it comes to security problems, "Linux is just the kernel.")
Linux Nuts are just lousy liars. It is a good thing that almost the whole world is already aware of that fact.
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