The Barking Linux Mutts

Message ID: 373520
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: The Barking Linux Mutts

>>> At Berkeley I was on the Linux User Group board when a bunch of members organized a "proselytizing session" in Sproul Plaza. This was around the time that Windows 98 was launched, so the time was right to "stick it to the man." <<<

It looks like it is a long time practice of Linux Nuts to intensify their propaganda just before a Windows release, all the way from before Windows 98 upto the current pre-Vista time. There is a saying in my mother tongue - "Dogs get excited when there is a marriage in town". (In case you are wondering, it is because there is a lot of discarded food!)

The Nuts have trouble selling the Linux desktop to people on its merits, so they seem to be looking for disaffected Windows users. Each Windows release introduces changes, and just before a Windows release, there is some apprehension in a small part of the user base about the upcoming changes. And, right after a Windows release, there are always a few people that are unhappy with the changes. The Linux Nuts figure this is the best time to sell their crap. Unfortunately for the Nuts, this strategy hasn't been working out very well. Even with all of the little problems and annoyances, Windows desktop is still infinitely better than anything the Open Sores guys manage to churn out.

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