The Denial of the Linux Loons
Message ID: 370637
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: The Denial of the Linux Loons
The Linux Loons are most in denial about two things - Linux insecurity, Free Software Movement's adverse effect on the software industry.
When pressed on the latter subject, some reply brazenly that "you should get out of software if you can't compete with free software", thereby admitting that Free Software Movement does intend to destroy the software industry. But, many people want to stick their heads in the sand.
Some say, companies benefit from availability of free software. This is like saying, if you let people fly free, they will visit more places and spend more money. In other words, screw the airlines to benefit the tourism industry.
Some deflect attention by pointing to Microsoft's crimes. But, free software affects all proprietary software companies, not just Microsoft. Even in areas where there is good competition between companies, and the prices are already quite reasonable, free software aims to eliminate commercial software.
Some trivialize the issue by talking about 'free gifts' and 'charity'. But, this is the Free Software *Movement* we are talking about. It says propriety software is unethical. It encourages people to say no to proprietary software and develop free alternatives to them. If its intent is followed to its logical conclusion, destruction of the software industry is the ultimate outcome.
The Loons want to keep coding, come what may. They refuse to take responsibility for their own actions. They are the ultimate cowards.
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