The Linux Denial Continues
Message ID: 371341
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: The Linux Denial Continues
The Linux Nuts have put me on ignore to avoid hearing Linux criticism. They continue merrily with finding fault with Microsoft's software.
The miniscule use of Linux desktop obscures its own terrible security problems. And, the toy Linux desktop put together with duct tape and chewing gum has been almost universally rejected by fair-minded people all over the world. You would think these guys will shut up and think about improving their own development methods and software, but no. These losers, who can't put together a desktop if their life depended on it, deign to tell the biggest software maker in the world how to do things! Just consider the irony.
Linux has been in development for *15* years! What have they got to show for it? Other than the donated code, and the toy GUI, we have a basic multitasking multi-user operating system. Well, it took two guys 6 months in an attic to come up with the same back in the Unix days!
And, to think the Linux kernel coders still can't get that basic system right without constantly "improving" it, breaking all the important interfaces in the process! Open source or not, you put together a bunch of morons, you get a piss poor operating system like Linux.
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