
Showing posts from June, 2006

Lousy Linux Redux

Message ID: 384872 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Lousy Linux Redux It was pointed out that Linux is no good for accessing popular entertainment on Internet. The Loon responses read as follows: - Hollywood movies stink - I (the Loon referring to himself) don't like many popular things - I don't like to spend mucho dinaro to watch movies on internet - I prefer physical DVD's - Linux is used for creating the movies. The last response is irrelevant, and the last but one is a cop-out. What else *can* you do other than preferring physical DVD's if you are a Linux Loon? The rest amounts to "WE LINUX LOONS ARE A FRINGE GROUP." Which is exactly my point. The general trend is 'internet movies are in, DVD's are on their way out'. (Netflix CEO is one of the top ten people that "don't matter" according to a popular list.) The Loon fringe group may not go that way because they can't, but the general public has no such restriction. They will ...

Loon Lies Illustrated

Message ID: 384649 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Loon Lies Illustrated Linux Loons have been claiming that SCO has provided *no* indication of IBM's infractions. The judge, by not dismissing 11 of the claims, seems to disagree. You just can't trust the Loons' words. Wait for the case to be decided in courts.  This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Judges in IBM's pocket?

Message ID: 384546 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Judges in IBM's pocket? Yesterday's result, while being a victory for SCO, is not the landslide one that we have come to expect from the IP wizards of Lindon, Utah. The judge actually had the temerity to say SCO is not 'specific' enough in some cases! AS IF! Should we suspect foul play here? Has IBM started using its considerable resources to unfairly influence the results in court? In any case, there will be an appeal. IBM is not getting off that easy. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Lousy Linux

Message ID: 384391 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Lousy Linux The other day, I pointed out how Linux will be shut out of future internet content, due to the severe limitations in open source software. There were some weak protests from the Loons until Panglozz disrupted the discussion with his trolling. The major US studios have already set up an online business from which you can rent or buy online movies: And, to operate, you need IE on Windows 2000 or XP. That's right. Linux users need not try! There are just so many ways to lose with Linux that Linux Losers is a very apt term to describe the Linux users. But, you can stop being a Loser easily: just go to the nearest computer software store, and purchase a legal copy of Windows. Solitaire is bundled in for your enjoyment. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Loons Dealt a Big Blow

Message ID: 384231 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Loons Dealt a Big Blow Loons received a terrible blow in the court today - several SCO allegations stood undismissed. The end is near for Linux. Meanwhile, allparadox confirms the groklaw moderation policies stink. PJ calls the Y! Loons "shills and trolls". All in all, a Linux enemy couldn't ask for a better day than this! This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Linux losing steam as server

Message ID: 383627 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Linux losing steam as server In all the noise about the desktop, this gem is missed. "Linux isn't a threat to Windows on the desktop and is losing steam on the server as customers separate the operating system from the development model, according to Microsoft's chief platform strategist. " This is major. The end of Linux is nearer than I had expected. The insufferably arrogant Linux Loons are soon going to be history. In retrospect, this is probably why Martin Taylor is no longer with Microsoft. They probably figure they don't need any Linux strategy anymore. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

The Linux Conspiracy

Message ID: 383549 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: The Linux Conspiracy One of the Wodehouse stories has the main character losing his hat in a restaurant. A movie producer finds it, finds out who it belongs to, and invites our man to collect his hat. When our man goes to the producer's office, he is asked to sign a paper. Thinking it is some kind of receipt for the hat, he signs it without reading it, only to find out later that he has unwittingly agreed to become one of the writers for a movie! On his writer job, he comes across several others who are similarly ensnared, and some of them are there for years! The Linux Loons lie their asses off, overselling Linux to innocent Windows users. Linux is very easy and very secure, they say. Somebody inevitably takes the bait. The installation goes through "smoothly". Half the hardware may not work correctly, but the installation won't bomb out. The true colors of Linux start coming out as time progresses, and, ultimately,...


Message ID: 383201 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Imposters deepdischrust, deepdisturst, and other nyms that look like my nym are operated by Linux Loons in a desperate attempt to annoy me, and confuse the readers. Please put them on your ignore list. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Bill Gates obviously bored

Message ID: 383200 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Bill Gates obviously bored Bill Gates is (more or less) quitting from business because he is bored. There is no competition for Windows. Everybody at Microsoft got excited when they heard of Linux, thinking they will finally get that much needed competition to their own excellent software. Linux proved to be a colossal disappointment. The desktop never really took off despite annual year-of-Linux-desktop articles from the faithful. It's doing a little better in other areas, but Microsoft is confident it will exterminate Linux in a few years everywhere. There is no challenge left for Gates to conquer. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Plenty of Methods and Concepts by SCOX

Message ID: 383172 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Plenty of Methods and Concepts by SCOX What the f**k does Colonel Loon know? He leaves himself enough wiggle room by saying that he is not a lawyer and all that, but he fails to mention that he is incredibly biased. Colonel Loon once wrote an article about why "we" (meaning he, and his buddies) hate SCO. He is not exactly the kind of impartial observer that can be trusted to provide advice to potentital investors. The court doesn't "hate" SCO. No matter that SCO withdrew some claims. No matter that SCO made verifiably false statements in the past (based, of course, on incorrect reports created by experts). If SCO's remaining case has merit, the court is not going to punish SCO for its past and dismiss the case. So, if you feel like owning some of that SCO stock, don't let the Linux Loons stop you. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following lice...

Lamex Desktop - getting nowhere fast

Message ID: 382488 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Lamex Desktop - getting nowhere fast The other day, I came across this neat little web site. The idea is that paid members can watch video clips of any play of past NBA games. It is useful not just to scouts and coaches, but to NBA fans trying to catch up on games they missed. The site won't work on Lamex, because it needs a browser with a Windows Media Player plugin. It utilizes some kind of copy-protection technology. It seems to me this is the future of all 'content' on Internet. Things will be locked up behind DRM gates, and Lamex users are going to be completely shut out. Hardcore Lamex users are known to be masochists, and may not mind the 'sacrifices' needed to continue to run the Lame operating system, but this is a big disadvantage for the general public. Just another reason why Lamex is doomed to be the toy of a tiny percentage of people. Switch to Windows now, before it is...

The Loon Hypocrisy

Message ID: 381253 Posted By: deepdistrust Posted On: 2006-06-17 09:14:00 Subject: The Loon Hypocricy Panglozz tried various methods to send me away from here. He tried to get people to ignore me. He tried threats - subtle and not so subtle. Finally, he started crying, hoping to induce feelings of guilt in me. Now, as I start to stay away, he goes and starts a thread on nym shifting. Panglozz doesn't mind off-topic discussions, so long as *he* starts them. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Loon output falling off

Message ID: 381025 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Loon output falling off The Loons, led by Chief Loon panglozz, have been crying for their message board back so they can whine better without 'disruption'. I leave them alone, and they hardly fill a page in two hours (of mostly off-topic rants). Get to work, guys! (Yarro fantasies don't count, mind you! Gates, Ballmer, McBride, Yarro - none of these guys are going to jail. The only one that may be incarcerated in connection with this case is probably panglozz. He is troubling the SEC so much, I heard they are looking to capture him and teach him a lesson he will not forget!) This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Latest Linux Security Hole

Message ID: 380712 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Latest Linux Security Hole When will the Linux guys start fixing their crappy software instead of pointing fingers at others?  To the genius that said 'given enough eye balls, all bugs are shallow': how come all these security holes are entering the software in the first place? What happened to the "enough eye balls?" That was all just hype, meant to deceive people? Open Sores software enjoys no special benefit? I thought so too. The trough of disillusionment, ladies and gentlemen. That's what we are going through right now. Linux guys are able to get away with the terrible security holes they have in their software only because nobody bothers to write an exploit for the tiny percentage of machines running Linux. That can change any time without warning. Linux users are sitting ducks for any exploits that may come along - they don't even have antivirus software...

Linux 2.4 was vaporware too

Message ID: 380595 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Linux 2.4 was vaporware too Linux kernel v2.4 was vaporware too, for the long time it was under development. The Loons still sucked up to the Finnish fool big time, without even a murmur of protest. The lying Loons conveniently forget this now, and make noise about Vista. Software sometimes gets delayed. And, Vista is a very nice operating system (from what I am hearing), not like the lamentable Lamex desktop. Microsoft is the only company delivering a usable desktop system to the world. If they need more time to perfect their offering, who can blame them (other than the lying Linux Loons, that is)? This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

DD helps increase rec averages

Message ID: 380594 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: DD helps increase rec averages Various Loons are seen increasing their rec averages by replying to my posts, and by hurling unjustified insults at me. One miserable fellow that calls himself deepdi"sturst" has managed to obtain a very high rec average by mostly posting the same insult-filled crap many times. This shows the cult-like atmosphere of this place, and doesn't bode well for the Loons. It also confirms that most Loons have a lot of pent up anger, which they are only too glad to vent on whoever is available. They must seek immediate psychiatric treatment for this condition, before their morbid hatred for their "enemy" makes them do something stupid, like write a virus, or conduct a DDOS. Remember, there aren't any Linux kernels to recompile in the jail! They will make you use Windows and IE! This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following licens...

Can SuSe Linux Take on Vista? Nope

Message ID: 380591 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Can SuSe Linux Take on Vista? Nope IkeKrull explains why Suse Linux is a joke. (IkeKrull still needs to improve in a couple of areas, though. First, Windows is not an expensive security nightmare. Far from it. Second, IkeKrull should never feel happy if Linux succeeds. IkeKrull should realize that Linux is a waste of time. Still, not everybody is as wise as deepdistrust.) "Very few quality commercial applications, poor driver availability for consumer hardware, fragmented and half-functional desktop environments, complex UNIX underpinnings they fail to convincingly hide from the user, dysfunctional audio and gui subsystems, a learning curve that looks like mt. everest to non-technical users, etc. etc. etc. "I mean, its all great until a user asks 'why doesnt my flash sound work while i have amarok running' or 'i want to add a second monito...

Linux Lies. Rebuffed.

Message ID: 380415 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Linux Lies. Rebuffed. The shameless Linux Loons never stop spreading fear and doubt about Windows, but the general public is now more cognizant of the lies. They started calling the Loons on their BS. (Explains why there is a large congregation of Linux Loons here. They can spout their lies without opposition. If a guy turns up to oppose, they start blackmailing him. The despical Linux Loons! Will they stop at nothing?) >>> <In order to get someone to switch operating systems, you have to convince them that the problems they are having with their current OS will not be present in the new one. > Of course, it's also a bad idea to try and convince people about problems that they're not having, such as ...  < After more than a decade with Windows, I know what to expect from it -- I expect that it will often break, crash, or otherwise not w...

SCO Owns UNIX, Kills Linux

Message ID: 380368 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: SCO OWNS UNIX, KILLS LINUX As this is the post conservation era, I summarize the main points here. 1. SCO owns Unix. It may very well kill Linux in the bud. I'm looking forward to that happening. 2. IBM screwed SCO. 3. Novell screwed SCO. 4. Linux desktop stinks so much that it is now called Lamex. 5. Enderle was banned from groklaw by the cunning paralegal, who then proceeded to destroy all evidence. 6. I support president Bush. He is a sensible man. He took the fight to the terrorists. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.


Message ID: 380238 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: SCO got Unix I heard enough nonsense from the Linux Loons. How can SCO pay so much money, and receive so little? Just a marketing agreement? Why the heck does Novell need another company just to license Unix to other people (at a hefty 5% commission)? What exactly is involved in licensing Unix to companies, that Novell can't do that? How come SCO called itself the owner of Unix even before the lawsuit, and Novell said nary a word? What is the deal with Novell mislaying important contract documents?  One Loon suggested SCO can develop Unix. How can SCO develop Unix if it didn't have the copyrights on the original material? Does whatever SCO develop automatically become Novell's? Will SCO only get 5% even on the new developments? Won't the contracts have *any* mention of this arrangement?  The whole thing is looking *extremely* fishy. Novell seems to have now gone back from the original agreement, whatever that was, to h...


Message ID: 380216 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: SCO got ELF (I don't recommend the site it's posted on.) If this works out, SCO is really going to clean out. Let's say five cents per Linux executable file - SCO is going to be buried in money. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Loons going berserk

Message ID: 380196 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Loons going berserk Having learnt that Panglozz is now using blackmail tactics to suppress me, the Loons started the rain of insults, secure in the knowledge that I won't be able to respond to all of them with scathing replies (that will shut them up once and for all). This is patently unfair. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Linus Loons = Software Pirates ?

Message ID: 380158 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Linus Loons = Software Pirates ? I wonder why the WGA is a source of such grief to the Linux Loons, who, after all, must be using their favorite Lamex sysem on desktop, however perverted that may seem to the civilized world. You may think they are just raising FUD against Microsoft in the hope that people will take a second look at their pathetic Lamex desktop, but there may be another explanation. The Loons could be using Windows on the sly. It would be definitely understandable. The Lamex desktop is woefully inadequate for almost any task you can think of. But, if the Loons are running a legal copy of Windows, again, there won't be such a hue and cry against WGA. It seems the Loons are pirating the hell out of Windows, and don't like the fact that Microsoft is now making it harder for them to do that. The poor thief is complaining that the police got better at catching him. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licens...

Devious paralegal booted Enderle

Message ID: 380148 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Devious paralegal booted Enderle Some idiots are showing groklaw's contents as some kind of proof that Enderle was not banned. Groklaw is under complete control of the paralegal - she and other moderators frequently delete messages and threads, and "sanitize" discussions. Its contents today mean nothing. (And, nobody has archived its contents at past dates. That's not a coincidence!) This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Microsoft - Best Software Company

Message ID: 380144 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Microsoft - Best Software Company Microsoft has made advanced technology accessible to the common man. Without Microsoft's Windows, the PC industry wouldn't have been 1/1000th the size it is now. If Windows were never there, and Linux was the only technology - I use the word loosely -available on PC's, people would have given up on the personal computer in disgust. The volunteer marketing force lies its ass off to promote Linux - "Linux is easy to use (!)", "There is a great community that will help" etc. But, what does one find when one visits the various Linux forums around the web?  "This is free software. You have no right to complain." "If you don't like it, fix it yourself." "You are a moron if you can't get that to work. Linux is better off without users like you." "I can't help you if you won't help yourself." (Helping yourself means readin...

Linux Losers are recognized as Liars

Message ID: 380133 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Linux Losers are recognized as Liars The world woke up to Linux Losers' lies. You start telling people from '99 that Linux desktop is easy to use, you face repercussions. Now, the Linux Goons are reduced to telling their lies to each other, because nobody else would buy their pathetic crap. Linux Loser1: "Windoze stinks! [Some obscure task or configuration] gave me lots of problems with Windoze!" Linux Loser2: "How right you are, Linux Loser1! I had the exact same problem! When is M$ going to fix their crap?" Linux Loser3: "Great job, Linux Loser1 and Linux Loser2, for that beautiful description of your problem with Windoze!" Onlooker: "Don't you guys ever get tired of this shit?" Linux Loser1: "Troll!" Linux Loser2: "Come on, troll, tell me. How much is Microsoft paying...

Linux Loons resort to classic FUD

Message ID: 380121 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Linux Loons resort to classic FUD The Linux Loons started getting really desperate to paint WGA as evil. First, the IBM agent freecode_99 starts off with vague assertions about how WGA will be a security threat. This is just complete bullshit. Just because there is some communication between two machines, how is this a security threat? Does this idiot even know what is transmitted, or how it is transmtited? He should be ashamed of himself for his blatant FUD. Then, the rabid Microsoft-hater Mr. Byrd steps in to compare WGA to wiretapping. Again, this shows desperation on his part to find some fault, any fault, with Microsoft. The information transmitted across is not exactly sensitive. Its sole purpose is for Microsoft to see if you paid for the software. If you haven't, Microsoft will of course want to send you periodic pop up messages telling you to stop being a freeloader, and start respecting their intellectual property. I can...

WGA harmless

Message ID: 380035 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: WGA harmless "The software checks what is installed on your machine and then reports back to Microsoft - it sends your IP number and information on your software set-up. If your software is dodgy you will start receiving pop-up reminders from Microsoft." Despite the noise made by the anti-Microsoft community, this sounds completely harmless. It *has* to report back to Microsoft, how else is it supposed to work? Microsoft has to do all it can to avoid mistakenly flagging genuine software as pirated one, of course, but other than that, it's much ado about nothing. Microsoft is on record saying that they don't want unhappy customers, so everybody should put this behind them, and continue to buy Windows as if nothing happened. (Oh, and, by the way, Enderle *was* banned from groklaw. People have trouble believing anything negative about groklaw or Linux, so natur...

The Glory (!) of Linux

Message ID: 390358 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: The Glory (!) of Linux Linux is an study in how not to write an OS. I read comments on how 'design' in Linux is reactive and why that leads to constant changes in API's and ABI's. No matter what the reason, the problem is the following. Only Linux has this problem, no major oS has it. Just more proof that Linux is braindead. "I couldn't get a 1 year old Ubuntu CD to install on the machine I built two weeks ago. I had to download a pre-release version of Dapper just to get an OS running. "With Windows, at least, you *do* get a CD, and the CD will contain drivers which will work. So your brand new disk controller or network card or USB controller or whatever will be usable even during installation. "That's impossible with Linux, as the kernel APIs and ABIs both keep changing, so there's no way to ever deliver a driver for older kernels. You need to make sure you upgrade your kernel to the lates...

Things are going south

Message ID: 379878 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Things are going south Things started going south for me very rapidly. One of the Loons seems to have initiated a chain of events that has made things *very* inconvenient for me.  Authorities are approaching from all angles, and I will have to be in a place for an undetermined period of time where I probably won't have an internet connection for more than a couple of hours a day. I will probably use that time on ebay and p0rn sites rather than waste it here. You will probably not hear from me much for I don't know how long. Keep an eye on each other while I am gone.  Windows Rules! This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

SCO will bring home the bacon

Message ID: 379839 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: SCO will bring home the bacon SCO will bring home the bacon (yes, that's with a 'b'). Initially, it was misled by code comparisons and needlessly expanded its case. Now, the waste is knocked off, and we are left with the meat of the case. SCO will nail IBM in court, and walk away with billions (yes, that's with 'b' again). Ditch Linux, or you may have to pay SCO lots of cash. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

IBM close to settling with SCO

Message ID: 379823 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: IBM close to settling with SCO Linux Loons don't know, but IBM agents do know. IBM is in trouble and asked its agents to up the noise. Freecode used to stay away for days, but he is here everyday like clock work of late. I suspect he is using other nyms to make noise (and also asked SJVN to help him along). IBM will pay a couple of billion dollars to SCO to settle. That's my guess. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.


Message ID: 379788 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: SCO OWNS UNIX It paid a lot of cash to get what exactly, if it is not Unix ownership? This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

SCO Will Win Big

Message ID: 379632 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: SCO WILL WIN BIG Based on the fact that the Linux Loons are predicting it will lose, and they have such a perfect record of being wrong all these three years, we can predict SCO will win, and win big in the lawsuit. IBM is toast. Linux is history. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Enderle was banned from Groklaw

Message ID: 379650 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Enderle was banned from Groklaw and the lying paralegal destroyed all evidence since the fact. There are no mirrors of groklaw posts, and there is a reason for that. The paralegal made it very convenient for herself to alter history without getting caught. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Linux Losers are recognized as Liars

Message ID: 379568 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Linux Losers are recognized as Liars The world woke up to Linux Losers' lies. You start telling people from '99 that Linux desktop is easy to use, you face repercussions. Now, the Linux Goons are reduced to telling their lies to each other, because nobody else would buy their pathetic crap. Linux Loser1: "Windoze stinks! [Some obscure task or configuration] gave me lots of problems with Windoze!" Linux Loser2: "How right you are, Linux Loser1! I had the exact same problem! When is M$ going to fix their crap?" Linux Loser3: "Great job, Linux Loser1 and Linux Loser2, for that beautiful description of your problem with Windoze!" Onlooker: "Don't you guys ever get tired of this shit?" Linux Loser1: "Troll!" Linux Loser2: "Come on, troll, tell me. How much is Microsoft paying...

Groklaw, Lamex - both built on lies

Message ID: 379555 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Groklaw, Lamex - both built on lies Groklaw and Lamex, both claim to be founded on lofty principles, but once you pierce the facade, you will see lies, deception and ugliness. Groklaw's moderators claim to be running a community web site, but delete and hide messages, "cleanse" threads, freeze user IDs, and remove attributions - all based on some undisclosed criteria. Pamela Jones does publish a set of rules for participants, but the rules the moderators actually enforce are not the published ones. Groklaw moderators have been known to lock IDs of users who are merely suspected to be associated with the SCO group. In public, however, Pamela Jones claims SCO folks can participate on groklaw. Lamex is supposed to be about liberating software, but it seems to be more about liberating people from truth. Lamex supporters routinely lie on message boards all over the internet. They lie about Lamex's capabilities, and they s...

Two problems with the Lamex System

Message ID: 379381 Posted By: deepdistrust Posted On: 2006-06-11 00:52:00 Subject: Two problems with the Lamex System Lamex has only two problems - it can't interface very well with devices, it can't interface very well with people. Other than that, it is fine. (You may wonder what else is left other than interfacing with devices and people for an operating system. There is always scope for a primitive multi-tasking system in appliances and such.) Ease of use, extensibility, adaptability, easy availability of help, stability, reliability, and other attributes required in a desktop computer are only to be found in the Windows operating system developed by the software giant Microsoft. Not satisfied with its complete command of the desktop market (where it is done kicking Lamex butt), Microsoft started competing vigorously in other areas where a more primitive OS is a better fit - appliances, clusters, supercomputers. I predict Windows will completely replace Lamex in all those i...

Freeloaders don't like Microsoft

Message ID: 378964 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Freeloaders don't like Microsoft They find fault with Microsoft for not supporting old products. Red Hat and other Linux companies are not doing a stellar job either. It takes people and effort to keep maintaining old programs. At some point, you are expected to switch. IBM does all the things the Loons fault Microsoft for: regular gouging, forced upgrades, 'on demand' computing, security holes, low quality beta products masquerading as production quality ones, terrible documentation etc etc. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

SCOX is the victim here

Message ID: 378997 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: SCOX is the victim here People should keep in mind that SCO is the victim and the underdog here. Its valuable intellctual property is donated by IBM to Linux. From the Loon perspective, you received a gift from somebody, but that somebody actually stole it from someone else before "gifting" it to you. You don't go and pick a fight with the victim, no matter however much you may want to hold on the gift. If you do that, you become a thief yourself.  So, the Loons ought to stay out of this. Let the courts handle it. If a judge rules that certain code should be taken out of Linux, so be it. You can develop something like it again. You cannot act like thugs. Keep your dignity. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

IBM will kill Linux

Message ID: 378851 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: IBM will kill Linux IBM is using Linux to kill other Unixes - Son's, HP's and SCO's. Then IBM will turn around and kill Linux. All it takes is a couple of patents, and a little known company. Then, AIX will be the only Unix left standing. Linux Loons are pawns in IBM's big game. Bye Bye Linux. It was not so great knowing you. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Pamela Jones - IBM agent?

Message ID: 378833 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Pamela Jones - IBM agent? This is reasonable speculation. She is a Jehovah's witness. She worked in her son's company. She was writing about recipes. She got trained as a paralegal. Exactly when the billion dollar litigation broke out between SCO and IBM, she started writing about open source software. She runs a "discussion" site, where discussion with pro-SCO folks is prohibited. She has plenty of criticism for IBM's rivals, but none for IBM. She spends 40 to 60 hours a week on her groklaw web site with no visible means of compensation. Is she IBM's agent, saying things IBM couldn't legally say? She probably is. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

SCO Winning in Court

Message ID: 378768 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: SCO WINNING IN COURT SCO is making IBM very nervous. The IBM agents are posting here non-stop in retaliation. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

The Grand Loon Deflation

Message ID: 378672 Posted By: deepdistrust Posted On: 2006-06-08 18:06:00 Subject: The Grand Loon Deflation Well, the conference call came and went. Nobody managed to ask any questions about treycc or any of the other "incriminating" things. There were no confessions from McBride, and there is no chance of seeing him rot in a jail cell because of the Loon strategy. The SEC will continue to ignore SCO and its allegedly illegal activities. All in all, a bummer for the Loons! But then, it's not like the Loons actually expected to accomplish anything they planned. It's like saying "We'll crush Microsoft" or "Linux desktop will replace Windows". There is no reasonable hope of accomplishing it. You just say it because it sounds good. The sad thing is, the Linux Loons are no longer able to distinguish between reality and their fantasy. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL A...

IBM made improper code donations?

Message ID: 378529 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: IBM made improper code donations? Who knows? Let's wait a few years and ask the judge. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

The Exploding Linux Nuts

Message ID: 378555 Posted By: deepdistrust Posted On: 2006-06-08 15:20:00 Subject: The Exploding Linux Nuts The Linux Nuts are looking to pick up a fight with SCO, but unfortunately, they don't have any standing in the lawsuits. They want to issue combative press releases, but alas, nobody will publish them. They want to tell SCO on its face just exactly what they think of it, but there is no avenue for that. Whenever I have some time, I give them a chance to vent a little bit, but they always have this nagging doubt that I may not represent SCO. The German man is very prolific, but it's hard to get mad at him, and you are never sure how much of your post he really understood. He probably learnt his English through a correspondence course. The Nuts get one chance every three months to say something crushing to SCO. They normally never manage to get a word in edgewise, but that doesn't stop them from hoping to do so oneday. Keeping all this in mind, I decided to leave the ex...

The Linux Buffalo

Message ID: 378524 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: The Linux Buffalo There is a saying in my language: when a piece of news or information doesn't affect someone at all, we say "heavy rain on a buffalo". There is a heavy rain of discontent against the Lamex system. Many surveys, reports, reviews, almost wherever you turn, you see people finding fault with Lamex. And yet, none of this affects the Linux Buffalo. Hubbard's cult disapproved of cult members watching TV (except for Star Trek) and reading newspapers. They didn't want anybody to suddenly wake up and snap out of Hubbard's trance. The Linux cult is a little more sophisticated. These guys watch everything, read everything, but they got a little filter for everything. They have their defence mechanisms in place, so nothing breaks the little shell they constructed around themselves. "Alright, come clean now. Who is paying you to say such awful things about Linux?" Only someone outside the cult (...

Windows Server more reliable than Linux

Message ID: 378392 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Windows Server more reliable than Linux Some of the Loons tried to spin this as Windows having better reliability gains, but that is false. It's not just reliability gains, it's reliability. Windows has 20% more annual uptime than Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Microsoft is to be truly admired. Despite being the makers of most widely used software, they didn't rest on their laurels. They have made steady improvements in all areas, captured a large part of the server market, and made Linux desktop irrelevant. (Though Linux desktop was always irrelevant, some people *were* threatening to switch to it one time. Now, even the talk is gone. Linux desktop is history. Gone. Done with. Exterminated.) If you hate Windows, that's fine. We, at Deepdistrust Inc., always believed in choice. But, Linux is not your savior. Linux folks are too arrogant and too blind to their own faults....

The Loon Plot Uncovered

Message ID: 378225 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: The Loon Plot Uncovered I have, through a series of illuminating posts, provoked the Linux Loons to reveal their strategy. Their diabolical plot is now revealed for the world. It goes like this: The Loons will post provocative messages claiming that SCO has no case. They hope that any SCO insiders will be enraged by this, and start defending SCO and, in the process, start disclosing details of SCO's court schemes. The information thus obtained will be promptly relayed to the IBM lawyers for legal analysis (and to PJ for paralegal analysis), and IBM will be ready for SCO in court. Most Loons are probably only pretending to be Loons - they are probably employed by IBM. (I exclude freecode from this. He is doing this on his own. He is clearly too unbalanced to be employed by IBM.) If this is not the purpose, then ask yourself why the heck do the Loons keep posting the same drive day after day after day? They admit there are no retail...

No Need to Own Jack to Win Case

Message ID: 378188 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: NO NEED TO OWN JACK TO WIN CASE There is no need for SCO to "own" anything for it to win big in the law suit. Pay no attention to the Linux Loons.  If IBM violated its contract, it has to pay SCO. Just remember that. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

The Loon Denial

Message ID: 378163 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: The Loon Denial The Loons started finding fault with Yankee Group now. Denial is a long standing habit with the Loons. They couldn't have gotten to the alternative reality they are in without Denial. It's very common to see the Loons find fault with almost every survey and every report that comes out. The results are invariably bleak for the Lamex system, and the Loons have to intervene to reassure themselves everything is still OK. If you are to believe them, the whole world is against Lamex. The truth of the matter is: Lamex is quite lame. The world can't help observing that fact. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Linux Loons Rinse and Repeat

Message ID: 378108 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Linux Loons Rinse and Repeat We see that the Loons went back to their old, tired lies - 'Windows is "not stable"'. We just saw Yankee group say Linux, Unix, and Windows servers are equally reliable. If anything, Linux has more downtime due to its piss poor documentation. Anybody that is using Windows XP etc at home can verify that Windows is rock solid. The Loons close their eyes to all this, and repeat their mantra. It is lies like these that completely destroyed their credibility in the general public. As things stand today, Windows is better than Linux in ease-of-use, stability, extensibility and adaptability, and is just as good (or bad) as Linux in security. Microsoft worked hard to make steady improvements in its products, and is now reaping the gains for that hard work. There was a time when it looked as though Linux desktop may be a viable alternative to Windows, but with the vastly improved Windows, it no lo...

Just in case the Loon Lies confused you

Message ID: 378101 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Just in case the Loon Lies confused you It doesn't matter what Caldera did with its own code. It doesn't matter somebody wrote a book with the Unix source code in it. We're not talking trade secrets here. The only question is 'did IBM improperly disclose Unix Methods and Concepts (God, I love that term!) by donating code to Linux?' If the answer is yes, IBM violated its contract, and has to pay up. Now, there is a rumor (floated by the Loons) that IBM received full permission to do what it pleases with Unix, but for some reason, IBM is very coy about showing that permission to the judge. If it comes out that IBM made improper donations, a judge may say 'get that code out of Linux'. If the Linux customers want to hold on to the code, perhaps they can pay SCO for it. So, any which way you look, it's all good for SCO. So, therefore, and hence, SCO could still get to make billions (yes, that's with a ...

SCO *could* win a settlement

Message ID: 378005 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: SCO *could* win a settlement Pay no attention to the Linux Loons! SCO has shown a remarkable ability to stay alive in the court case. Their latest Methods and Concepts scheme must be very troubling for IBM. If, as the Loons claim, IBM has a piece of paper granting them permission to disclose Unix Methods and Concepts to outside world, IBM wouldn't be scrambling to deal with the expert testimony offered by SCO. On the other hand, SCO's own liability for Lanhalm Act violations becomes an issue only if IBM can show some actual damage to its business because of SCO's false statements in the past. Even the great paralegal (and well-known IBM shill) Pamela Jones says in her CIO article that SCO did no damage to Linux, so SCO is home free on that account. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

sendmail out of netbsd

Message ID: 377948 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: sendmail out of netbsd The netbsd folks have taken sendmail out of the default install, owing to its security track record. You can refer to the Unix Haters Handbook if you want the complete history of sendmail, but it is well known that it is a horrible, horrible program with many security holes. Complex programs do have security problems. For example, Microsoft Windows suffers as much as it does because of its complexity, and Microsoft's desire for and commitment to backward compatibility (which is sadly lacking in the Lamex folks.) But, the notable thing is, while Microsoft is steadily improving security of its programs, the Open Sores world started giving up on some programs altogether. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Panglozz losing customers

Message ID: 377930 Posted By: deepdistrust Posted On: 2006-06-06 16:52:00 Subject: Panglozz losing customers Panglozz is losing customers to me. Nobody wants to comment on his irrelevant factoids with the extrememly vague connections. As I mentioned earlier, he has already fallen out of favor with the SEC. (The SEC has several large trash cans all labelled "Stats For All". They hate him and his overly long documents.) Now, it seems he has absolutely no customers left. Give it up, Panglozz. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Windows essential to survival

Message ID: 377927 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Windows essential to survival You all remember the blackberry case: Justice Department was going to intervene to delay implementation of any judgment. You will have a similar situation if Microsoft is ever under attack. Imagine Windows not being there. Imagine hundreds of millions of people recompiling their kernels just because the Finnish fool and his gang don't like some trivial thing and want to introduce a gratuituous change. Not going to happen. OS/2? Apple? Things will still take years. I wonder why the Justice Department suddenly backed away from its plans of punishing Microsoft. We will never know for sure, but we can be sure of one thing: Microsoft is a *very* powerful company. No harm will ever come to Windows. (Lamex, on the other hand, is touch and go!) This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Windows makes world go round

Message ID: 377881 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Windows makes world go round The world will come to a halt if there were no Microsoft Windows. This is why I advise the Linux Nuts (who are very worried about the SCO case and upcoming litigation) to switch to Windows. If you use Windows, you don't have to fear litigation. No matter what happens to Microsoft, Windows will still be around. The world cannot function without Windows. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Somebody is desperate for my IP address

Message ID: 377859 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Somebody is desperate for my IP address You ain't getting it buddy! This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Open Sores Toys Considered Harmful

Message ID: 377850 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Open Sores Toys Considered Harmful "MySQL and PHP, on the other hand, really raise my ire. Both of them have two major problems: "1. Bug ridden (by this I am including both misfeatures as well as actual bugs).  "2. They encourage bad habits. " "PHP programmers practically popularized the most common attack in the world, the SQL-injection attack." Like many things open sores, there is a lot of hype desperately trying to cover up the various deficiencies in the open sores toys, but every now and then, somebody speaks up. Then the Linux Trolls gather together and try to bash the guy (like they do with the author of the above web page in the feedback). It is pathetic. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.


Message ID: 377839 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: hushmail has sent me an email on 5/8/06. I only noticed it just now. It invites me to click a link to read the email message. I'm not going to do that. If has something to say to me, he can say it here on this board. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Linux Trolls Still Here

Message ID: 377819 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Linux Trolls Still Here The Linux Nuts obviously don't believe in what they post. They claim SCO has no case. You would expect they will care a little less about the case, be a little more nonchalant. But evidence reveals a worried bunch. The moment a little something happens in court, these guys are out, scurrying to get the documents. It's almost like they are expecting to be dealt a blow. Even the discussions on this board, they approach with a sense of mission. The posts continue over nights, weekends and holidays. People are telling each other to 'stay on topic', threatening to ostracize those that stray. Many of them seem to maintain multiple nyms, which reminds me of PJ's dumb manouevres when dealing with who she calls trolls. For a bunch of people that keep claiming SCO has no case, these guys (and PJ) are just a little too uptight, a tad too concerned. They are not fooling anyone. This Yahoo! SCOX Message ...

The Wikipedia Defense

Message ID: 377584 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: The Wikipedia Defense It's well known that the Linux Losers have no life, and hang around obscure message boards even during weekends. I happened to be busy over the weekend. (If I were not, and if I had replied to half a dozen posters, then some Loser would have complained I'm posting too much. As mentioned already, there are lots of Linux Losers and only one deepdistrust. I have to post more to stem the flood of misinformation.) The "Wikipedia Defense" reads 'experts make mistakes too, so it is alright for non-experts to write encyclopedias.' The Linux Losers have come up with a similar argument here. Doctors make mistakes too, so the next time one of the Wikipedia editors gets seriously sick and needs surgery, I suggest he should get a plumber to operate on him. Or better yet, he should get a dozen plumbers. The 'collective intelligence' will kick in, with each plumber correcting the others' mi...

Lenovo shuns Lamex

Message ID: 377400 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Lenovo shuns Lamex The article says, "IBM had been supportive of Linux throughout its product line including preloading it on Thinkpads before the sale to Lenovo." So, this is a net loss for the Lamex system, ane one more reason for its crybaby supporters to start crying. Microsoft is still up to its old tricks - exclusive deals and all that, and the governments of the world don't seem able or willing to do anything about it. I don't fault them.  If you anger Microsoft, it will take its ball and go home, and what are you left with? Substandard software produced by open source volunteers (many of who are probably completely unqualified to produce computer programs, unlike the qualified engineers carefully selected and trained by Microsoft!) that does half the job half the time, with outdated documents explaining half its function. Cutt...

Linux Loons Going Straight To Hell

Message ID: 377156 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Linux Loons Going Straight To Hell There is a special place reserved in hell for the Linux Loons. Their punishment is awaiting them for all the lies they tell during their life times. They start lying as soon they get up in the morning, and don't stop until they retire to bed in the night - "Linux is easy to use", "Linux is inherently secure", "Linux security is better than Windows security", "SCO has no case", "Linux is improving all the time". That these guys call someone else a Baghdad Bob is ironic in the extreme. Each of these guys is a Baghdad Bob. The world has laregly woken up to their lies, and they have become the biggest laughing stock on the internet. They are reduced to telling each other lies. This message board is a prime example of that activity. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attri...

UNIX Methods and Concepts in Linux?

Message ID: 376869 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: UNIX METHODS AND CONCEPTS IN LINUX? There could well be. We will see what happens in the court. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Losers Come Clean

Message ID: 376846 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Losers Come Clean The Microsoft-hating losers started coming clean. Except freecode, who just started rambling. You have to forgive him. He is not all there. We have pretty much a similar situation on the corporate front. IBM and Novell have had their butts kicked by Microsoft in earlier desktop battles. Google's Eric Schmidt, who had a stint in Novell, seems to be setting up for a fight with Microsoft. Of the bunch, Red Hat folks seem to be the smartest - they make a public announcement that Linux is not fit for desktop. That's their way of waving the white flag at Microsoft. So many Microsoft-hating losers. So little they can do. It's comic. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Microsoft Haters Club

Message ID: 376822 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Microsoft Haters Club Walterbyrd, Dio, grendel, preadapted, wally, karl lewis, freecode, and a lot of other posters here seem to have started hating Microsoft a long time ago, and never stopped hating. They are on the Linux bandwagon because Linux is The Alternative! Their sole ambition in life is to see Microsoft fall. I think almost all these guys except Wally post on other boards too. Unfortunately for them, they couldn't have picked a worse weapon in their fight. Linux is a dud. While there is always the prospect of a lawsuit felling Microsoft, the biggest software maker in the world has enough cash to pay lawyers that will keep prolonging the cases until they become irrelevant. There seem to be very few people here who are motivated more by their misguided devotion for Linux than by their hatred for Microsoft: Lose_here2002, sba, rfc, ? It's only fitting that the toy operating system Linux has fake supporters. It's al...

The Bickering Nuts

Message ID: 376767 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: The Bickering Nuts The Nuts started bickering among themselves. VeryOldBear and VeryStupidDiv2N are going at it on semantics. What's with the self-contradictions of the FOSS clowns? Wine clearly emulates Windows (by implementing its interface), and yet, "Wine Is Not an Emulator." GNU clearly aims to ape Unix, and yet "GNU is Not Unix". The trend seems to be: copy whatever you can, then claim you didn't.  It's a good thing SCO is nailing their asses. ("Linux Is Not UniX"!) This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Of Nuts, Linux and World

Message ID: 376747 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Of Nuts, Linux and World Some Nuts started spinning that google choosing Wine is not really an indictment against Linux. The frigging Lamex system is under development for 15 years. The open sores coders went to work, and coded many incompatible graphics environments, Windows managers, and sound systems. Many other fools jumped in and created numerous incompatible distributions many of which differ from each other only in gratuitous ways. They have been talking about standardizing things for a very long time, but if it didn't happen in such a long time, there is no reason to believe it will ever get done. Meanwhile, even companies like google, who openly support open sores, won't even write a native version of their programs for Linux. This is the story of the Lamex system, an example of what happens when you give reins to the geeks with no adult supervision or coordination. It's a pathetic failure of an experiment. This Y...

Linux Security - No Improvements

Message ID: 376677 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: Linux Security - No Improvements Microsoft is the biggest software company in the world, but it is still humble enough to acknowledge a good idea even when it comes from the "enemy." ASLR in Vista will enhance Windows security for its users world wide. On the other hand, ASLR is not part of standard Linux kernel. You can apply an outside patch, but this is a *MAJOR* pain in the ass - you can't apply patches from your own "distro" maker from then on. As Professor Spafford says, Windows and Linux both have terrible security, but Microsoft is actually improving Windows security while the Linux folks are arguing among themselves about cosmetic stuff and other trivia. "Lamex - You Will Suffer and All Your Files Will Still End Up in Russia!" (TM) This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attri...

No Picasa for you! Next !!

Message ID: 376672 Posted By: deepdistrust Subject: No Picasa for you! Next !! < Google is still refusing to develop a state of the art linux application and instead seems to wish the vocal linux minority would just shut up, smile, and swallow the unsavoury meal. > May be, making an application that will work with all the 1781 distributions of Linux is a little more work than Google wanted to take up, Mr. Cassia! Or, may be the undefined nature of a Linux desktop environment played a role.  If the Nuts stop crying long enough to fix their stuff, may be somebody will write a couple of programs for them. But, of course, complaining is easy. Finding fault with Microsoft is even easier. Doing what Microsoft does well is very hard. The Linux crowd is just not good enough. This Yahoo! SCOX Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution under the following license: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.