Can SuSe Linux Take on Vista? Nope

Message ID: 380591
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Can SuSe Linux Take on Vista? Nope

IkeKrull explains why Suse Linux is a joke. (IkeKrull still needs to improve in a couple of areas, though. First, Windows is not an expensive security nightmare. Far from it. Second, IkeKrull should never feel happy if Linux succeeds. IkeKrull should realize that Linux is a waste of time. Still, not everybody is as wise as deepdistrust.)

"Very few quality commercial applications, poor driver availability for consumer hardware, fragmented and half-functional desktop environments, complex UNIX underpinnings they fail to convincingly hide from the user, dysfunctional audio and gui subsystems, a learning curve that looks like mt. everest to non-technical users, etc. etc. etc.

"I mean, its all great until a user asks 'why doesnt my flash sound work while i have amarok running' or 'i want to add a second monitor. I plugged it in but I can't find a control panel to configure it' or whatever. and any illusion that Linux is 'desktop-ready' goes out the window.

"Just... No.

"I mean, if Linux really was ready, then 50 million people would be jumping at the chance to dump the expensive security nightmare that is Windows for it, but it's not, and they aren't.

"And they won't for SuSE 10.1 either.

"I'd be pretty damn happy to be proved wrong by Novell over the next few months, but I can't see it happening."

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