DD helps increase rec averages
Message ID: 380594
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: DD helps increase rec averages
Various Loons are seen increasing their rec averages by replying to my posts, and by hurling unjustified insults at me. One miserable fellow that calls himself deepdi"sturst" has managed to obtain a very high rec average by mostly posting the same insult-filled crap many times.
This shows the cult-like atmosphere of this place, and doesn't bode well for the Loons. It also confirms that most Loons have a lot of pent up anger, which they are only too glad to vent on whoever is available. They must seek immediate psychiatric treatment for this condition, before their morbid hatred for their "enemy" makes them do something stupid, like write a virus, or conduct a DDOS. Remember, there aren't any Linux kernels to recompile in the jail! They will make you use Windows and IE!
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