Just in case the Loon Lies confused you

Message ID: 378101
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Just in case the Loon Lies confused you

It doesn't matter what Caldera did with its own code.

It doesn't matter somebody wrote a book with the Unix source code in it. We're not talking trade secrets here.

The only question is 'did IBM improperly disclose Unix Methods and Concepts (God, I love that term!) by donating code to Linux?' If the answer is yes, IBM violated its contract, and has to pay up. Now, there is a rumor (floated by the Loons) that IBM received full permission to do what it pleases with Unix, but for some reason, IBM is very coy about showing that permission to the judge.

If it comes out that IBM made improper donations, a judge may say 'get that code out of Linux'. If the Linux customers want to hold on to the code, perhaps they can pay SCO for it. So, any which way you look, it's all good for SCO.

So, therefore, and hence, SCO could still get to make billions (yes, that's with a 'b') out of this, and the stock could still go to teh moon!

P.S. This is a public service announcement. I have no affiliation with SCO or its friends.

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