Latest Linux Security Hole
Message ID: 380712
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Latest Linux Security Hole
When will the Linux guys start fixing their crappy software instead of pointing fingers at others?
To the genius that said 'given enough eye balls, all bugs are shallow': how come all these security holes are entering the software in the first place? What happened to the "enough eye balls?" That was all just hype, meant to deceive people? Open Sores software enjoys no special benefit? I thought so too.
The trough of disillusionment, ladies and gentlemen. That's what we are going through right now.
Linux guys are able to get away with the terrible security holes they have in their software only because nobody bothers to write an exploit for the tiny percentage of machines running Linux. That can change any time without warning. Linux users are sitting ducks for any exploits that may come along - they don't even have antivirus software!
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