Lenovo shuns Lamex

Message ID: 377400
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Lenovo shuns Lamex


The article says, "IBM had been supportive of Linux throughout its product line including preloading it on Thinkpads before the sale to Lenovo." So, this is a net loss for the Lamex system, ane one more reason for its crybaby supporters to start crying.

Microsoft is still up to its old tricks - exclusive deals and all that, and the governments of the world don't seem able or willing to do anything about it. I don't fault them. 

If you anger Microsoft, it will take its ball and go home, and what are you left with? Substandard software produced by open source volunteers (many of who are probably completely unqualified to produce computer programs, unlike the qualified engineers carefully selected and trained by Microsoft!) that does half the job half the time, with outdated documents explaining half its function. Cutting off your nose to spite your face comes to mind.

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