Linus Loons = Software Pirates ?
Message ID: 380158
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linus Loons = Software Pirates ?
I wonder why the WGA is a source of such grief to the Linux Loons, who, after all, must be using their favorite Lamex sysem on desktop, however perverted that may seem to the civilized world. You may think they are just raising FUD against Microsoft in the hope that people will take a second look at their pathetic Lamex desktop, but there may be another explanation.
The Loons could be using Windows on the sly. It would be definitely understandable. The Lamex desktop is woefully inadequate for almost any task you can think of. But, if the Loons are running a legal copy of Windows, again, there won't be such a hue and cry against WGA. It seems the Loons are pirating the hell out of Windows, and don't like the fact that Microsoft is now making it harder for them to do that. The poor thief is complaining that the police got better at catching him.
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