Linux Lies. Rebuffed.
Message ID: 380415
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux Lies. Rebuffed.
The shameless Linux Loons never stop spreading fear and doubt about Windows, but the general public is now more cognizant of the lies. They started calling the Loons on their BS. (Explains why there is a large congregation of Linux Loons here. They can spout their lies without opposition. If a guy turns up to oppose, they start blackmailing him. The despical Linux Loons! Will they stop at nothing?)
<In order to get someone to switch operating systems, you have to convince them that the problems they are having with their current OS will not be present in the new one. >
Of course, it's also a bad idea to try and convince people about problems that they're not having, such as ...
< After more than a decade with Windows, I know what to expect from it -- I expect that it will often break, crash, or otherwise not work. This is not a myth; show me someone who says that they have never had a major Windows malfunction >
Well, show me somebody who has never had a major Linux malfunction either. My Win2k install at work has been going strong for nearly 2.5 years with 30+ apps installed, and it is just now starting to show signs of decay. And the reason it's starting to die is because I don't have complete control over the apps that are installed. The IT department insists on installing Norton and other crap applications.
Generally speaking though, the reason why you have these issues with Windows is because either you've got some cheap-ass hardware or else you never learned how to use it properly. Like Linux, Windows has a handful of tricks you use to keep it running properly (security included). And once learned, you rarely run into problems.
< I think many people who are moving away from Windows are going to GNU/Linux with the expectation that it is a software utopia where computer problems don't exist. >
And gee, I wonder why they think that? People have been screaming that Linux is God's gift to operating systems ever since color text installs in Slackware were considered to be a luxury item.
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