Linux Loons Going Straight To Hell
Message ID: 377156
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux Loons Going Straight To Hell
There is a special place reserved in hell for the Linux Loons. Their punishment is awaiting them for all the lies they tell during their life times. They start lying as soon they get up in the morning, and don't stop until they retire to bed in the night - "Linux is easy to use", "Linux is inherently secure", "Linux security is better than Windows security", "SCO has no case", "Linux is improving all the time".
That these guys call someone else a Baghdad Bob is ironic in the extreme. Each of these guys is a Baghdad Bob. The world has laregly woken up to their lies, and they have become the biggest laughing stock on the internet. They are reduced to telling each other lies. This message board is a prime example of that activity.
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