Linux Loons resort to classic FUD

Message ID: 380121
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux Loons resort to classic FUD

The Linux Loons started getting really desperate to paint WGA as evil.

First, the IBM agent freecode_99 starts off with vague assertions about how WGA will be a security threat. This is just complete bullshit. Just because there is some communication between two machines, how is this a security threat? Does this idiot even know what is transmitted, or how it is transmtited? He should be ashamed of himself for his blatant FUD.

Then, the rabid Microsoft-hater Mr. Byrd steps in to compare WGA to wiretapping. Again, this shows desperation on his part to find some fault, any fault, with Microsoft. The information transmitted across is not exactly sensitive. Its sole purpose is for Microsoft to see if you paid for the software. If you haven't, Microsoft will of course want to send you periodic pop up messages telling you to stop being a freeloader, and start respecting their intellectual property. I can see how this is unpalatable to the Linux freeloaders, who want to get everybody's intellectual property for free.

For the vast majority of the population, who do want to compensate people for their effors, WGA is no big deal. It thwarts the software pirates, and keeps Windows prices low. The Loons' attempt to make everyone paranoid will *NOT* succeed, just like their lamentable Lamex desktop system (which has already bit the dust). 

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