Linux Loons Rinse and Repeat

Message ID: 378108
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux Loons Rinse and Repeat

We see that the Loons went back to their old, tired lies - 'Windows is "not stable"'.

We just saw Yankee group say Linux, Unix, and Windows servers are equally reliable. If anything, Linux has more downtime due to its piss poor documentation. Anybody that is using Windows XP etc at home can verify that Windows is rock solid. The Loons close their eyes to all this, and repeat their mantra. It is lies like these that completely destroyed their credibility in the general public.

As things stand today, Windows is better than Linux in ease-of-use, stability, extensibility and adaptability, and is just as good (or bad) as Linux in security. Microsoft worked hard to make steady improvements in its products, and is now reaping the gains for that hard work. There was a time when it looked as though Linux desktop may be a viable alternative to Windows, but with the vastly improved Windows, it no longer does. Linux desktop is now permanently dead in the water.

On the server front too, where Linux would have been a natural choice to replace Unix (but for Linux's severe shortcomings), Windows is ruling the roast.

The Linux hype has been exposed as the lie that it is. Microsoft comprehensively kicked Linux butt.

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