Linux Losers are recognized as Liars

Message ID: 380133
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux Losers are recognized as Liars

The world woke up to Linux Losers' lies. You start telling people from '99 that Linux desktop is easy to use, you face repercussions. Now, the Linux Goons are reduced to telling their lies to each other, because nobody else would buy their pathetic crap.

Linux Loser1: "Windoze stinks! [Some obscure task or configuration] gave me lots of problems with Windoze!"

Linux Loser2: "How right you are, Linux Loser1! I had the exact same problem! When is M$ going to fix their crap?"

Linux Loser3: "Great job, Linux Loser1 and Linux Loser2, for that beautiful description of your problem with Windoze!"

Onlooker: "Don't you guys ever get tired of this shit?"

Linux Loser1: "Troll!"

Linux Loser2: "Come on, troll, tell me. How much is Microsoft paying you?"

Linux Loser1: "Why bother with this M$ shill! Let me tell you another problem I had with Windoze! ... "

Linux Loser2: "How right you are, Linux Loser1"

Linux Loser3: "Great job, Linux Loser1 and Linux Loser2, for staying on topic and not talking to trolls!"

Linux Loser1 and Linux Loser2: "Thank you, Linux Loser3!"

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