Linux Trolls Still Here
Message ID: 377819
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux Trolls Still Here
The Linux Nuts obviously don't believe in what they post. They claim SCO has no case. You would expect they will care a little less about the case, be a little more nonchalant. But evidence reveals a worried bunch. The moment a little something happens in court, these guys are out, scurrying to get the documents. It's almost like they are expecting to be dealt a blow.
Even the discussions on this board, they approach with a sense of mission. The posts continue over nights, weekends and holidays. People are telling each other to 'stay on topic', threatening to ostracize those that stray. Many of them seem to maintain multiple nyms, which reminds me of PJ's dumb manouevres when dealing with who she calls trolls. For a bunch of people that keep claiming SCO has no case, these guys (and PJ) are just a little too uptight, a tad too concerned. They are not fooling anyone.
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