Lousy Linux Redux
Message ID: 384872
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Lousy Linux Redux
It was pointed out that Linux is no good for accessing popular entertainment on Internet. The Loon responses read as follows:
- Hollywood movies stink
- I (the Loon referring to himself) don't like many popular things
- I don't like to spend mucho dinaro to watch movies on internet
- I prefer physical DVD's
- Linux is used for creating the movies.
The last response is irrelevant, and the last but one is a cop-out. What else *can* you do other than preferring physical DVD's if you are a Linux Loon?
The rest amounts to "WE LINUX LOONS ARE A FRINGE GROUP."
Which is exactly my point.
The general trend is 'internet movies are in, DVD's are on their way out'. (Netflix CEO is one of the top ten people that "don't matter" according to a popular list.) The Loon fringe group may not go that way because they can't, but the general public has no such restriction. They will use Windows and enjoy the online content. Linux won't cut it for them.
The Loons ought to really quit now. Forget the desktop. Just do the server. Though Linux is fading on server, the situation is not as bleak as it is on desktop.
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