Lousy Linux
Message ID: 384391
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Lousy Linux
The other day, I pointed out how Linux will be shut out of future internet content, due to the severe limitations in open source software. There were some weak protests from the Loons until Panglozz disrupted the discussion with his trolling.
The major US studios have already set up an online business from which you can rent or buy online movies: movielink.com. And, to operate movielink.com, you need IE on Windows 2000 or XP. That's right. Linux users need not try!
There are just so many ways to lose with Linux that Linux Losers is a very apt term to describe the Linux users. But, you can stop being a Loser easily: just go to the nearest computer software store, and purchase a legal copy of Windows. Solitaire is bundled in for your enjoyment.
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