Microsoft - Best Software Company

Message ID: 380144
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Microsoft - Best Software Company

Microsoft has made advanced technology accessible to the common man. Without Microsoft's Windows, the PC industry wouldn't have been 1/1000th the size it is now.

If Windows were never there, and Linux was the only technology - I use the word loosely -available on PC's, people would have given up on the personal computer in disgust. The volunteer marketing force lies its ass off to promote Linux - "Linux is easy to use (!)", "There is a great community that will help" etc. But, what does one find when one visits the various Linux forums around the web? 

"This is free software. You have no right to complain."

"If you don't like it, fix it yourself."

"You are a moron if you can't get that to work. Linux is better off without users like you."

"I can't help you if you won't help yourself." (Helping yourself means reading that overly long, inscrutable how-to, and trying to apply its arcane advice.)

Can you imagine more than a very small number of Losers putting up with this nonsense for any length of time? 

Despite being free of cost, Linux desktop is at the very bottom of the pile for a very good reason. Its supporters are lying a**holes.

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