Microsoft Haters Club

Message ID: 376822
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Microsoft Haters Club

Walterbyrd, Dio, grendel, preadapted, wally, karl lewis, freecode, and a lot of other posters here seem to have started hating Microsoft a long time ago, and never stopped hating. They are on the Linux bandwagon because Linux is The Alternative! Their sole ambition in life is to see Microsoft fall. I think almost all these guys except Wally post on other boards too.

Unfortunately for them, they couldn't have picked a worse weapon in their fight. Linux is a dud.

While there is always the prospect of a lawsuit felling Microsoft, the biggest software maker in the world has enough cash to pay lawyers that will keep prolonging the cases until they become irrelevant.

There seem to be very few people here who are motivated more by their misguided devotion for Linux than by their hatred for Microsoft: Lose_here2002, sba, rfc, ?

It's only fitting that the toy operating system Linux has fake supporters. It's all make believe.

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