No Picasa for you! Next !!

Message ID: 376672
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: No Picasa for you! Next !!

< Google is still refusing to develop a state of the art linux application and instead seems to wish the vocal linux minority would just shut up, smile, and swallow the unsavoury meal. >

May be, making an application that will work with all the 1781 distributions of Linux is a little more work than Google wanted to take up, Mr. Cassia! Or, may be the undefined nature of a Linux desktop environment played a role. 

If the Nuts stop crying long enough to fix their stuff, may be somebody will write a couple of programs for them. But, of course, complaining is easy. Finding fault with Microsoft is even easier. Doing what Microsoft does well is very hard. The Linux crowd is just not good enough.

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