SCO *could* win a settlement
Message ID: 378005
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: SCO *could* win a settlement
Pay no attention to the Linux Loons!
SCO has shown a remarkable ability to stay alive in the court case. Their latest Methods and Concepts scheme must be very troubling for IBM. If, as the Loons claim, IBM has a piece of paper granting them permission to disclose Unix Methods and Concepts to outside world, IBM wouldn't be scrambling to deal with the expert testimony offered by SCO.
On the other hand, SCO's own liability for Lanhalm Act violations becomes an issue only if IBM can show some actual damage to its business because of SCO's false statements in the past. Even the great paralegal (and well-known IBM shill) Pamela Jones says in her CIO article that SCO did no damage to Linux, so SCO is home free on that account.
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