Message ID: 380238
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: SCO got Unix
I heard enough nonsense from the Linux Loons.
How can SCO pay so much money, and receive so little? Just a marketing agreement? Why the heck does Novell need another company just to license Unix to other people (at a hefty 5% commission)? What exactly is involved in licensing Unix to companies, that Novell can't do that? How come SCO called itself the owner of Unix even before the lawsuit, and Novell said nary a word? What is the deal with Novell mislaying important contract documents?
One Loon suggested SCO can develop Unix. How can SCO develop Unix if it didn't have the copyrights on the original material? Does whatever SCO develop automatically become Novell's? Will SCO only get 5% even on the new developments? Won't the contracts have *any* mention of this arrangement?
The whole thing is looking *extremely* fishy. Novell seems to have now gone back from the original agreement, whatever that was, to help IBM out. Was SCO foolish enough to rely on a verbal promise? In fact, it looks like SCO got screwed not just by IBM, but by Novell as well. I only hope they get justice in courts.
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