The Exploding Linux Nuts
Message ID: 378555
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2006-06-08 15:20:00
Subject: The Exploding Linux Nuts
The Linux Nuts are looking to pick up a fight with SCO, but unfortunately, they don't have any standing in the lawsuits. They want to issue combative press releases, but alas, nobody will publish them. They want to tell SCO on its face just exactly what they think of it, but there is no avenue for that.
Whenever I have some time, I give them a chance to vent a little bit, but they always have this nagging doubt that I may not represent SCO. The German man is very prolific, but it's hard to get mad at him, and you are never sure how much of your post he really understood. He probably learnt his English through a correspondence course.
The Nuts get one chance every three months to say something crushing to SCO. They normally never manage to get a word in edgewise, but that doesn't stop them from hoping to do so oneday. Keeping all this in mind, I decided to leave the excited Nuts to their thoughts and schemes until the conference call is over. But, before I go, remember this, boys and girls:
If SCO Wins, Linux Loses.
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